Hachinan tte, sore wa nai deshou! – Chapter 45: The started adventurer live and a new request – part 2

Heyas folks,

here you go with the second and last part of the chapter.

It’s only self-edited as Kruncs-san is busy with work (always the same with us old men, huh 😉 ).

The next chapter will follow on 17th July, returning to the 2-weeks-cycle. I haven’t looked at it yet, though I will despair if it’s again that long. xD

I will also see to get working on the interlude I owe you guys in-between.

The chapter continues from part 1 to part 2 at the red paragraph separator!

|>> Enjoy! <<|





  1. Pingback: Hachinan tte, Sore wa Nai Deshou! | Hachinan tte, sore wa nai deshou! – Chapter 45: The started adventurer live and a new request – part 2 - Light Novels Feed

  2. Thanks… BTW isn’t Breithilde the one saying the third sentence in this part instead of wend?

    “It’s a kind of subjugation request.” (Breithilde)

    “Kind of?” (Wendelin)

    “It’s cleaning up after my father.” (Wendelin)

  3. I believe you should get another team member to help you with translations like going through your fans and see if one of them is willing to help

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